Wednesday, 20 April 2011

portal 2 coming very soon!

The new Portal 2 game is releasing tommorow.

Coupled with the Orange Box in 2007, Portal was a surprise hit. It was a revolutionary concept where the player used a gun in the first person to create portals and travel any distance instantly. With the two portals being both an entrance or exit, they are used to complete test stages that get progressively more complex. The game had a defining ability to reward you with those ’A-HA!’ moments when you finally figure out how to solve a puzzle that’s been plaguing you for what seemed like days. This great game earned critical acclaim and countless Game of the Year awards. Portal 2 will continue this trend.

Once again you are Chell, the voiceless portal gun wielding test subject. You’ll traverse behind the scenes, deciphering how to navigate the ruined innards of Aperture Science laboratories, and of course through diabolically engineered test stages designed to frustrate and murder you. Like the first game you occasionally encounter the mad ramblings of those previous test subjects who came before you, scrawled on the walls, depicting impending doom or incomprehensible phrases. 

9/10- looks great, but difficult.

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